
% inverseTrapezoid.m
% Alexander Boxer 2012

%—– Load the image
A = imread(‘~/Desktop/Holbein.jpg’);

%—– Flip the image to an xy coordinate system
A(:,:,1) = flipud(A(:,:,1));
A(:,:,2) = flipud(A(:,:,2));
A(:,:,3) = flipud(A(:,:,3));

%—– Set the painting size-parameters
Lx = 2095; % the length of the painting in mm
Ly = 2070; % the height of the painting in mm
x0 = Lx/2; % location of painting’s central axis
y0 = Ly/2; % vertical height of viewer’s eye
resolution = 2;

%—– Map the image onto an xy mesh-grid and mark key points
xx = linspace(0,Lx,size(A,2));
yy = linspace(0,Ly,size(A,1));
[X1,Y1] = meshgrid(xx,yy);

%—– Reshape the xy-meshgrid to a 2 1xN arrays
N = numel(X1);
x1 = reshape(X1,1,N);
y1 = reshape(Y1,1,N);
z1 = zeros(1,N);
P0 = [x1;y1;z1];

%—– Mark the corners of the painting
c1 = [0;0;0]; % lower-left corner of the painting
c2 = [0;Ly;0]; % upper-left corner of the painting
c3 = [Lx;Ly;0]; % upper-right corner of the painting
c4 = [Lx;0;0]; % lower-right corner of the painting
C0 = [c1,c2,c3,c4];

%—– Mark points on the skull
s1 = [661;0;0]; % chin, lower left corner
s2 = [615;58;0]; % left eye-socket, left extremum
s3 = [1083.2;337;0]; % top mid-point
s4 = [1530;472;0]; % right extremum
s5 = [1210;257;0]; % corner of jawbone
S0 = [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5];

%—– Set parameters D and d
jawTan = (s5(2)-s1(2))/(s5(1)-s1(1));
jawAngle1 = atand(jawTan);
D = s1(1) + y0/jawTan – x0; % endpoint corresponds to point ‘S’
d = 257.88; % endpoint corresponds to point ‘O’

%—– Convert the 3xN matrices to 4xN matrices
P = cat(1,P0,ones(1,length(P0)));
C = cat(1,C0,ones(1,length(C0)));
S = cat(1,S0,ones(1,length(S0)));

%—– Transform the Coordinates
disp(‘Transforming Coordinate Grid’)

%—– 1. Make a matrix for a translation in xy to set the origin at (x0,y0)
Txy = [1,0,0,-x0;

%—– 2. Make the inverse-trapezoid transformation matrix
Mx = @(xy) d*xy(1,:)./(D-xy(1,:));
My = @(xy) D*xy(2,:)./(D-xy(1,:));

%—– Transform the coordinates
x2 = Mx(Txy*P);
y2 = My(Txy*P);

cx2 = Mx(Txy*C);
cy2 = My(Txy*C);

sx2 = Mx(Txy*S);
sy2 = My(Txy*S);

clear x1 y1 z1 P0 P

%—– Draw the RGB Interpolation Maps

%—– Reshape the red, green and blue values to Nx1 arrays
red1 = double(reshape(A(:,:,1),N,1));
green1 = double(reshape(A(:,:,2),N,1));
blue1 = double(reshape(A(:,:,3),N,1));

%—– Draw the red, green and blue tri-scattered interpolation maps
disp(‘Drawing red map’)
redMap = TriScatteredInterp(x2′,y2′,red1);
tau = toc;
disp([‘Elapsed time: ‘,num2str(floor(tau/60)),’:’,num2str(mod(tau,60),’%02.0f’)])

disp(‘Drawing green map’)
greenMap = TriScatteredInterp(x2′,y2′,green1);
tau = toc;
disp([‘Elapsed time: ‘,num2str(floor(tau/60)),’:’,num2str(mod(tau,60),’%02.0f’)])

disp(‘Drawing blue map’)
blueMap = TriScatteredInterp(x2′,y2′,blue1);
tau = toc;
disp([‘Elapsed time: ‘,num2str(floor(tau/60)),’:’,num2str(mod(tau,60),’%02.0f’)])

%—– Produce an XY mesh grid to contain the transformed image
[X2,Y2] = meshgrid(floor(min(cx2)):resolution:ceil(max(cx2)),floor(min(cy2)):resolution:ceil(max(cy2)));
clear A x2 y2 red1 green1 blue1

%—– Interpolate the RGB data onto the new mesh grid
disp(‘Interpolating red values’)
red2 = uint8(round(redMap(X2,Y2)));
tau = toc;
disp([‘Elapsed time: ‘,num2str(floor(tau/60)),’:’,num2str(mod(tau,60),’%02.0f’)])
clear redMap

disp(‘Interpolating green values’)
green2 = uint8(round(greenMap(X2,Y2)));
tau = toc;
disp([‘Elapsed time: ‘,num2str(floor(tau/60)),’:’,num2str(mod(tau,60),’%02.0f’)])
clear greenMap

disp(‘Interpolating blue values’)
blue2 = uint8(round(blueMap(X2,Y2)));
tau = toc;
disp([‘Elapsed time: ‘,num2str(floor(tau/60)),’:’,num2str(mod(tau,60),’%02.0f’)])
clear blueMap

clear X2 Y2

%—– Form the new RGB image
B = uint8(zeros(size(red2,1),size(red2,2),3));
B(:,:,1) = red2;
B(:,:,2) = green2;
B(:,:,3) = blue2;

%—– Display and save the image

%—– Initialize Figure Window and Axes —–
scrsz = get(0,’ScreenSize’);
hMainFigure = figure(‘Position’,scrsz,’Color’,[1,1,1]);

%—– Display the image
xx = floor(min(cx2)):resolution:ceil(max(cx2));
yy = floor(min(cy2)):resolution:ceil(max(cy2));
axis xy
axis image

%—– Display output values
jawAngle = atand((sy2(5)-sy2(1))/(sx2(5)-sx2(1)));

disp(‘ ‘)
disp([‘D: ‘,num2str(D)]);
disp([‘d: ‘,num2str(d)]);
disp([‘jaw angle: ‘,num2str(jawAngle,’%3.4f’)])
disp([‘skull width: ‘,num2str(max(sx2)-min(sx2))])
disp([‘skull height: ‘,num2str(max(sy2)-min(sy2))])
disp([‘delta_x: ‘,num2str(D+x0-Lx)]);
disp([‘delta_y: ‘,num2str(y0)])
disp([‘delta_z: ‘,num2str(d)])

%—– Write the image to a file
B(:,:,1) = flipud(B(:,:,1));
B(:,:,2) = flipud(B(:,:,2));
B(:,:,3) = flipud(B(:,:,3));

str = [‘~/Desktop/I’,num2str(d),’.jpg’];

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